Finally ending the
   nightmare of PTSD

ATTN: War Veterans
Who Suffer from Combat Stress (PTSD):

6 FREE, Effective, Non-Drug EFT Coaching sessions to qualifying veterans

If you or someone you know has combat experience from Vietnam, Irag, Afghanistan, etc., you may be eligible for a stress study. If you qualify, you will receive six free private sessions of an advanced self-help technique which might prove useful for releasing the stress of combat memories. These sessions will take place near your home or over the phone. This study is sponsored by a private research non-profit which is not affiliated with any government organization. All personal information is kept completely confidential.

If you have any of the following conditions, please apply to participate in the study.

You suffer from flashbacks or intrusive memories
You have insomnia and/or nightmares
You are battling alcohol or drugs
You are dealing anger, anxiety, panic attacks or depression
You are consumed with grief, rage and/or guilt because you survived
You feel isolated, unsafe, jumpy, or triggered by other people
You haven't sought help for fear of damage to your military or civilian career

How to apply to participate in the studyFill-out the form on the right and send and we will send you the application forms.
Submit any questions on same form.

Please note this is a study and your confidential participation will possibly also help other vets in the future by the accumulation of data on alternative non-drug methods of relief and future inclusion in the VA protocols for assisting vets with PTSD.

More Details:
As a participant to the study, you agree to six 1-hour sessions which are to be completed within 4 to 5 weeks from start of your coaching. There will be four questionnaires to fill out at various intervals of the study and at 3 and 6 months of sessions ending.  You must have served in the United States (U.S.) Military Services, have the ability and capability to follow instructions and complete written forms, and remain under the care of a primary care provider.

This study is organized and sponsored by the Iraq Vets Stress Project (, a project of Soul Medicine Institute, and independent 501(c)(3) non-profit public benefit corporation (707) 237-6951;


To request the application forms, please fill out the below information.

First Name:
Last Name:
Address Street 1:
Address Street 2:
Zip Code: (5 digits)
Daytime Phone:
Evening Phone:
Cell Phone:
Military Service?:
Questions -

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